Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 - A taste of things to come!

As most of you know, we announced a while back that we were working on some exciting new things for the website, these will be out for user testing in a few months, in the meantime here is a sneak peak...

Introducing the GeoNet smart-phone App... 

It has some really cool features and our team of geeks are adding new things all the time!  As you can see on the pic to the right ->
it is showing earthquakes from as little as '9 minutes ago' - so yes that means you can find out (roughly) how big etc an earthquake was within a few minutes. It generally takes between 2-5minutes for a preliminary result and as more data becomes available the figures can change slightly (its similar to the system USGS use at the moment).

This pic on the left <--  shows some older events, but also the color coding, the higher the intensity the darker shade of red the event will be. So white = small, light red = felt, deep red = the big ones!

You can also click on each event for more info (links to the www), map, refresh the event and share it.

There is a map button so you can see all of the recently located events and click on each for more info, and you see have 'all' events or select  'my' which allows you to choose events of a certain intensity, from a certain place and even (using your GPS or wireless) quakes near your current location.

So i hope you all enjoy this sneak peak, by the time it is released it will probably have even more neat functions!

NB: at the moment it will just be Android, but we do want / and will be working on an 'i' friendly App.


  1. Looks great- would be great if we could submit felt reports too!

  2. Oh I can't wait for that, very handy!

  3. @ Dave - thats something the team are working on! A 'one touch' felt-it function.

  4. Fantastic, much quicker than fiddling with Geonet website on the Droid :) Thanks for this.

  5. Hmm, probably not within scope, but a realtime seismograph using a phones sensors that could then autopost to twitter would be neat. ;)

    Although it'd only work when you phone was set down on a table or something and you'd have to figure out exactly what a quake looked like vs someone picking it up/walking around/etc..

  6. What a about a shake the phone gyro 'felt-it' function? Could push the 'feeling-it' button while earthquake is actually happening and just put it on the table. :)

  7. Yay, nice phone too, Sara! Nice nails also! You did those just for this post didn't you?!! ;P

  8. When in the expected release date?

  9. do you have an expected date when it will be available?

  10. Thanks for making an Android one first for the superior operating system. Can't wait to use it!

  11. Can you make a Windows 7 phone app too?

  12. How about a Blackberry app, please? Otherwise, it looks great!

  13. Release - at this stage its still a few months away, i'll let you know as soon as we have an actual date!

    Other systems - our team will add them to the 'wish list'

    Nails - thanks, i love OPI!

  14. Come on Sara you cant whet our appetites and then tell us to wait for a few months... how about everyone on this blog getting a pre-release beta version? Looks pretty cool, but I would rather have no use for it...

  15. So looking forward to the Android app! Thanks Sara.

  16. Oh wow! Did you do those nails with Vegas Nail Polish? @feliciaday

    App looks great - beta please! Please add link to national seismograph network quake drum too. Thanks.

  17. Yes, Beta please. I don't care if it isn't perfect, my phone keeps crashing anyway!
    looks great though.
